
Friday, June 7, 2013

Cycle Update

I tested this morning at CD25, 10 days past ovulation. It was negative.

I tested with both an internet cheapie as well as a First Response (because for some reason I still had hope even though the internet test was negative.)

My period is expected to come on Tuesday. I'll fax my chart to Dr. B and then call and set up my HSG. I guess I'll also figure out who I have to bribe ask nicely to code my HSG as diagnosing infertility so that my insurance will cover it. If they're not willing to, we'll have to scramble to come up with almost $4,000.

I haven't cried yet, mostly because I had to wait for the delivery of our new dishwasher right after taking the test. I don't know if it'll really sink in until my period starts.

I guess all that nausea that kept me up most of the night these last two nights were from something I ate or my Metformin messing with me again.

I guess the sore boobs were just another sign of my period to come.

I had a little bit more hope this cycle around. I ovulated "normally" on CD15 instead of late like I usually do. Our timing was amazing. I felt like conceiving our baby on the day that Keegan's best friend left us was a sign. I thought that being able to celebrate Keegan's first Father's Day was a sign.

Sorry for the woe-is-me post. The reality of having to get an HSG hit me hard today and it's been hard to process.

Thank you for all of your support. I love you girls.


  1. ahh sweet girl! I hate those negative tests!! We are totally on the same schedule. I had super sore boobs this week, and that hasn't happened in years, I thought FOR sure I was pregnant. Did the cheapie internet test and the early predictor and then came AF. DOH! So sorry you have to go through all this! Thinking about you and praying for you!

  2. Oh, dear Aislinn, it's so tough. I feel for you. I hate that any of us has to go through this. I am thinking of you and hoping that your HSG gives you some answers.

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Ana. As much as I don't want there to be something wrong, I secretly hope that the HSG shows something. Twisted how infertility makes us think, right?

  3. *hugs* BFNs are the worst, especially when you've felt so sure! 10dpo is still early though, in October I barely barely had a line and didn't get a believable one until 12dpo. I've known plenty of people who didn't get their positive till 14 or 15dpo so hopefully you'll get a nice surprise and AF won't show!

    1. I was holding out hope until today. Started spotting which I normally do two days before my period comes. My fingers will remain crossed until my body absolutely proves to me that I'm not pregnant!

  4. I'm so sorry! (And you never need to apologize for a woe-is-me post. That's what we're here for!)


    1. Thank you! Sometimes I feel like I've too negative in my posts so it's nice to know that people don't think I'm a total Debbie Downer. Thank you for the hugs <3

  5. I'm so sorry, Aislinn. I went through a very similar path this month. I was SO sure, and I had sore breasts, and all the signs were there.

    Definitely let yourself cry. Hugs. xoxo

  6. So, so sorry, dear.

    Feel my hug.
