Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Birth Control or No Birth Control...

... that is the question.

I have my "6 week" (really 5 week, but whatever,) postpartum appointment with my doctor on Thursday and per her protocol, we'll be talking about my birth control options.

It's been a debate going on in my head since my OB mentioned it at my 2 week postpartum appointment. There are a lot of pros and cons, and honestly, it's a decision I don't feel ready to make yet.

I think the biggest "pro" about going on birth control is the fact that I will have a monthly cycle (something I don't have naturally due to my PCOS,) which will eliminate the "am I pregnant this month?" question. I don't really want to go back to feeding my peeing on a stick habit, and having a guaranteed monthly cycle will save both my sanity and my money.

However, that's the only good thing I can see about going on birth control.

There are a lot of "cons" such as having to pay for it (even though it's a measly $5 per month,) having to remember to take it, being confident that it won't be passed on to baby through my breast milk and worrying about it drying up my milk supply. I know that my OB would prescribe a pill that is breastfeeding friendly, but it's still a worry I have, especially since my supply is barely sustaining Kieran as is.

I'm also worried about it messing up my already messed up hormones. When I went off birth control back in 2012, I didn't have a cycle for months, which eventually lead to my PCOS diagnosis. I have no way of knowing that my lack of cycle during that time was due to my PCOS, or my body not knowing how to cycle without having the birth control hormones.

We eventually want to try for baby number two, and I'm afraid that being on birth control will hinder that process when we're ready. I don't want to have to wait extra months because we have to teach my body how to cycle again without the BC hormones.

I know that not going on birth control is basically saying that we're ready for another child to come into our lives at any moment (since we're not taking preventative measures,) and honestly, we're not. The ideal time to get pregnant would be when Kieran is about a year to a year and a half old (like infertility ever works with our "ideal" times.) However, I'm scared that taking birth control will hurt more than help.

Anyone have any advice?


  1. I don't cycle on my own (reason unknown). I wanted to see what my body would do if left on its own after a full-term delivery. So, I did not go on birth control, and Jon & I invested in condoms. I breastfed for 13 months and had no cycles during that entire time. 3 months later, I inquired with my fertility doctor if I should go back on BCP or stay off of it. She advised that if I didn't have a period in 16 months, my body had spoken. I should go back on BCP to reduce the risk of uterine cancer (the risk increases if you have less than 4 cycles in a year). So, I gave my body a chance at figuring itself out for 16 months, but then returned to BCP until we were ready to try again. I'm not sure if that helps with your decision, but that's what we did.

    1. That actually helped a lot! I agree with giving your body a chance, I think that's the biggest reason why I don't want to go back on BC, I would feel like I'm not giving my body a chance to figure things out for itself.

  2. I felt the same way. We ended up going back to condoms for the most part. Then I had trouble conceiving our second. I was happy I hadn't done birth control because I figure it might have made it even harder last time. I'm not on anything now either, mostly just practicing natural family planning. I go back and forth thinking of it. I got migraines on the pill, but it's the easiest method for me. I don't really like the idea of an IUD. We've discussed hubby getting snipped too, when we're sure we're done, but I hesitate on anything permanent. It's a tough decision!

    1. It is such a difficult decision! Condoms are always an option, even though they're not my husband's favorite choice. I don't know if we'd ever do anything permanent, even if we were 100% happy with our family. It just seems like such a big life altering decision!

  3. So.....at my six week appointment my midwife brought up birth control and I laughed. But then as time went on and I went through some "oh my goodness, could it be possible again" situations I decided to just go for it. I won't lie, it wasn't easy. In fact I ended up waiting until I got my first postpartum period to start my pills. I too have PCOS so I am hoping it can get things back under control . Good luck!

    1. Ya, I laughed a bit when my OB brought up BC at my last appointment. The whole "maybe this month?" question is the biggest reason I'd go back on BC. At this point in my life, I don't really want to torture myself with that question month after month.

  4. all of our fertility docs have had me go on BC for a month before starting treatment! hard to say. i of course didn't go on it otherwise and we tried having a baby right after my 6 week appointment, but i knew it wouldn't happen so i wasn't worried. and low behold, it didn't happen. its a hard choice!

    1. If I don't go on anything now, I'd probably have to do a round of BC before starting treatments again as well since I don't cycle on my own. Stupid bodies not working right!

  5. I don't have any experience with irregular or non-existant periods, but I did want to pipe in on BC options, just in case. The IUD (copper or Mirena) could be options. They are not something you have to think about every day or every time. And there is no or little hormones in your system. The Mirena put the hormones directly near/at your uterus, so I don't believe there is much side-effects (for most).
    Another option is the Nuva Ring. I used this one for a few years and liked it. You insert it at the beginning of the cycle and remove it when the 3 or 4 weeks is done (depending on how you want to cycle). Again, low hormone dosage and easy to use.
    Good luck figuring out what you want to do. I didn't use any sort of BC between kids, as I never truly expected to get pregnant on our own.

    1. I haven't done much research on an IUD or the ring, so thank you for giving me some information about them! I honestly don't expect us to get pregnant on our own either, but it would be a risk we'd take if I didn't go on BC, no matter how slim the chances are!

  6. I decided not to go back on the pill. I was on it for so many years, I guess I just feel like I want to "go natural" for a while. Without any extra hormones. I haven't gotten my period back yet so I'm not sure how my cycles will be. Currently, we're using condoms or natural family planning (mostly abstinence though! ha ha).
    While I don't want to be pregnant right now, we would be OK with it if it happened. Otherwise, I'd use a better method of birth control. I suspect I'm not ovulating now though, and don't plan to "try" until my daughter is close to a year old.

    1. Ya, I have a feeling abstinence will be our major form of birth control. I know K is wanting some (especially since my sex drive during pregnancy was next to none,) but I'm just not feeling it yet, especially since my incision hasn't healed yet. I would honestly be ok with getting pregnant soon as well. Granted, it wouldn't be the best timing, but there's no way I could be angry at a surprise pregnancy!

  7. How about a non-hormonal IUD? My sister and a couple friends have them and seem to think they're fantastic. I have no idea what we'll do. Hopefully just track things if my cycle comes back? I want a second 100% and Matt's not sold so we have some talking to do. Jealous you and K have already made up your minds!!

    1. K and I decided that we want two kids from the beginning, no matter if we have to do treatments again, adopt, or steal one from Walmart (I kid, I kid....kind of.) We both have siblings and really want to give Kieran one, so I hope it happens!

      I haven't heard about an non-hormonal IUD. I'll have to ask my OB about all of my options and see what she suggests.

  8. Or just have two kids under the age of 1. I hear all the cool kids are doing it :)

    1. Ha! I don't know if my sanity could handle that!

  9. Birth control pills, maybe. It's so hard because using donor eggs…I don't think I'll ever need to take anything. But who knows. Curious what your doc recommends.
