Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Welcome August ICLW!

Since I stupidly scheduled my Vacation Part 2 post on the first day of ICLW, I get to show up in your subscription boxes twice!

Hi everyone, my name is Aislinn and I'm a 24 year old Canadian living in small town Mississippi. I've been married to my husband, Keegan, for a little over a year (anniversary on August 4,) and we have two cats,


and our newest addition, Carbon. 

After 5ish months of a mysteriously disappearing period after coming off birth control, I finally went into my OB/GYN and got diagnosed with PCOS on September 4, 2012, exactly one month after our wedding. Since then, I've been put on Metformin and a low carb diet, which, who am I kidding, I'm not following all that well. Even so, I've managed to lose 30 pounds in the last year as well as get the return of my monthly visitor. 

January 2013 marked the first cycle that we were actively trying to get pregnant. Since then, I've had 7 failed cycles, an HSG which showed clear tubes, and thrown away more money on sticks I pee on than I'd like to admit to myself. 

After my HSG in June, my doctor suggested trying naturally since clearing out the tubes has been shown to increase conception chances for the next three cycles. If this third cycle is yet another negative, then I'm marching my way into his office and demanding more effective treatment...actually, I'll probably just sit there while he tells me what the next plan is. I've learned that I have trouble telling doctors what treatment I want; I mean, they're the ones who paid the big bucks to go to school for eleventimillion years, right? 

Anyways, I'm not 100% sure what my next course of action will be. Dr. B has already said he doesn't want to put me on Clomid since we've gotten my body to ovulate on its own and Clomid will only increase the chances of multiples (which doesn't sound too bad right about now.) I'm thinking our next step will be IUI, but Dr. B's switched things up on me before. 

Besides worrying about my lady bits, I have hobbies! I went to school for fine arts (specifically fibers,) and actually used my degree when I got a job at an art gallery. I'm what most consider a nerd (or geek? I never really understood the difference between the two...) and can be found most nights in front of my computer reading blogs or gaming with friends. I also share the same birthday as Daniel Radcliffe and thought I was the coolest kid on the playground when I learned I shared a birthday with Harry Potter. I'm a huge music lover and have been known to trek to far off towns to see my favorite bands (example: drove 6 hours to Atlanta to see Dropkick Murphys and got a tattoo, all in one expensive weekend.) 

If you want more details about my lady bits, feel free to click the "Our Journey" tab at the top. 

Assuming I haven't scared you off already, I hope you decide to stick around for our baby makin' journey!


  1. You won't scare anyone off silly ;) Happy iclw!

  2. I didn't know you were an artist! Now I want to pepper you with a million questions! I thought I wanted to be a professional artist for a while (I was very into wire sculpture and dreamed of making giant creepy installations) but I'm mediocre at best so I love to pick the brains of those more talented.

    Anyway, I cried when my RE disagreed with me so if you figure out how to stand up for yourself, let me know. Good luck!

    1. I don't know if I'd consider myself a professional artist, I embarrassingly haven't made much work since I graduated college since my loom is still in pieces from the move, but feel free to ask away! I'd love to see some of your work, sculpture has always interested me, especially "creepy" work.

    2. I stopped sculpting in my early twenties, and didn't really keep anything. I still do life sketches from time to time, but I'm woefully out of practice so it's more process than product. I would LOVE to see yours if you'd be interested in sharing? My email is the2ndbedroom at gmail. And yeah, creepy is the best. The Whitney, in New York, is my favorite gallery because they embrace the creepy so much. There's just something about art that's unsettling. I love that it pulls me in, even if only to push me away :)

      What materials did you work with? Did you have a theme you liked to work around or was it a piece by piece basis? Do you think you'll go back to it? Making textiles sounds so COOL. We covered a lot at my school, but never textiles. I'm all excited now!

  3. Clomid is scary! Avoid if possible! Pffffft, who am I kidding? *I* was crazy on Clomid, but many others have been successful. Rooting for you no matter what! :-)

    1. Thank you! I've heard horror stories about Clomid, so if my Dr is going to go that way, I think I'll ask for Femara first.

  4. Glad you don't have to go through the clomid crazies!! I survived 2 cycles on clomid before I switched to Femara.

    I will be following your journey :)

  5. totally missed your news about carbon! ahh i hate being away!
    such a cutie!

    1. Lol don't worry about it, you have Little Man to look after! There's a post called "Welcome To The Family" if you're interested in learning more about her.

  6. I've most definitely tolerated femara much better than clomid!

    1. That seems to be the general consensus, hopefully if I have to take any ovulation drugs, I can talk my doctor into using Femara instead of Clomid.

  7. Good for you losing weight - I never ovulated naturally, or with Clomid - and found it difficult. PCOS is awful. Love your kitties!

    1. I totally agree, PCOS is a huge pain in the

  8. I LOVE the name Carbon for a cat. (Of course, as an organic chemist, I'm a tad biased.) ;)

    1. Keegan's a metallurgical engineer (kind of a fancy metals chemist,) so he's a bit biased as well :-)
